My continuing adventures beginning from Residental Hotel Hell to a regular life.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Which representatives in the U.S voted on the Bill which repealed the Glass-Stengall Act?

It seem the Key to the Modern American Finacial Fiasco , was the Repeal of a law called the 'Glass- Stengall Act". The Glass-Stengall act was originally designed after the great depreession to regulate banking by keeping customer savings separate from banking investment. By Repealing the act allowed banks to speculate with savings. Though I may not have described it right,it is agreeded by many economic pundits that its repeal allowed for this big finacial fiansco we seemed to be in.

Though the Bill for the repeal of this act was sponsored by some republicans mainly, Phil Gramm of Texas. It was finally signed into law during the Democratic Clinton Administration, and his treasury advisor, Bob Rubin.

Below I try to include legislators, who voted for and against this Bill.

Democratic House of Representatives.

Democratic Neil Abercrombie, Gary Ackerman, Thomas Allen, Robert Andrews, Brian Baird, John Baldacci, James Barcia, Xavier Becerra, Kenneth Bentsen, Shelley Berkley, Howard Berman, Marion Berry, Sanford Bishop, Rod Blagojevich, Earl Blumenauer, David Bonior, Bob Borski, Leonard Boswell, Rick Boucher, Allen Boyd, Corrine Brown, Sherrod Brown, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Julia Carson, Eva Clayton, Bob Clement, James Clyburn, Bud Cramer, Joseph Crowley, Elijah Cummings, Pat Danner, Jim Davis, Diana DeGette, William Delahunt, Peter Deutsch, Norman Dicks, Lloyd Doggett, Calvin Dooley, Michael Doyle, Eliot Engel, Anna Eshoo, Bob Etheridge, Sam Farr, Michael Forbes, Harold Ford, Martin Frost, Richard Gephardt, Charles Gonzalez, Virgil Goode, Bart Gordon, Gene Green, Tony Hall, Ralph Hall, Baron Hill, Earl Hilliard, Ruben Hinojosa, Joe Hoeffel, Tim Holden, Rush Holt, Darlene Hooley, Steny Hoyer, Sheila Jackson-Lee, William Jefferson, Chris John, Eddie Johnson, Stephanie Jones, Patrick Kennedy, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Ron Kind, Gerald Kleczka, Ron Klink, John LaFalce, Nicholas Lampson, Tom Lantos, Sander Levin, Zoe Lofgren, Nita Lowey, Ken Lucas, James Maloney, Carolyn Maloney, Frank Mascara, Robert Matsui, Karen McCarthy, Carolyn McCarthy, James McGovern, Mike McIntyre, Michael McNulty, Martin Meehan, Gregory Meeks, Robert Menendez, Juanita Millender-McDonald, David Minge, Patsy Mink, Joe Moakley, Dennis Moore, James Moran, John Murtha, Jerrold Nadler, Grace Napolitano, Richard Neal, James Oberstar, John Olver, Solomon Ortiz, Major Owens, Frank Pallone, Bill Pascrell, Ed Pastor, Donald Payne, Nancy Pelosi, Collin Peterson, Owen Pickett, Earl Pomeroy, David Price, Nick Rahall, Charles Rangel, Silvestre Reyes, Tim Roemer, Steven Rothman, Martin Sabo, Loretta Sanchez, Max Sandlin, Thomas Sawyer, Robert Scott, Brad Sherman, Ronnie Shows, Norman Sisisky, Ike Skelton, Louise Slaughter, Adam Smith, Vic Snyder, John Spratt, Debbie Stabenow, Charles Stenholm, Ted Strickland, Bart Stupak, John Tanner, Ellen Tauscher, Mike Thompson, Bennie Thompson, Edolphus Towns, Jim Traficant, Jim Turner, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Nydia Velazquez, Bruce Vento, Peter Visclosky, Melvin Watt, Anthony Weiner, Robert Wexler, Robert Weygand, Bob Wise, David Wu, Al Wynn

Tammy Baldwin, Thomas Barrett, Robert Brady, Michael Capuano, William Clay, Gary Condit, John Conyers, Jerry Costello, William Coyne, Danny Davis, Peter DeFazio, Rosa DeLauro, John Dingell, Julian Dixon, Chet Edwards, Lane Evans, Chaka Fattah, Bob Filner, Barney Frank, Samuel Gejdenson, Luis Gutierrez, Alcee Hastings, Maurice Hinchey, Jay Inslee, Jesse Jackson, Marcy Kaptur, Dale Kildee, Dennis Kucinich, Barbara Lee, John Lewis, William Lipinski, Bill Luther, Edward Markey, Jim McDermott, Cynthia McKinney, Carrie Meek, George Miller, David Obey, David Phelps, Lynn Rivers, Ciro Rodriguez, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Bobby Rush, Jan Schakowsky, Jose Serrano, Gene Taylor, Karen Thurman, John Tierney, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman, Lynn Woolsey

Didn't Vote
Paul Kanjorski, John Larson, Matthew Mart�-nez, Alan Mollohan, Pete Stark

How the Republicans in the House Voted.

Voted Yes
Republican Robert Aderholt, Bill Archer, Dick Armey, Spencer Bachus, Richard Baker, Cass Ballenger, Bob Barr, William Barrett, Roscoe Bartlett, Charles Bass, Herbert Bateman, Judith Biggert, Brian Bilbray, Michael Bilirakis, Thomas Bliley, Roy Blunt, Sherwood Boehlert, John Boehner, Henry Bonilla, Mary Bono, Kevin Brady, Ed Bryant, Richard Burr, Dan Burton, Steve Buyer, Sonny Callahan, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, Charles Canady, Chris Cannon, Michael Castle, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Helen Chenoweth-Hage, Howard Coble, Tom Coburn, Mac Collins, Larry Combest, Merrill Cook, John Cooksey, Christopher Cox, Phil Crane, Barbara Cubin, Randy 'Duke' Cunningham, Tom Davis, Tom DeLay, Jim DeMint, Nathan Deal, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, John Doolittle, David Dreier, John 'Jimmy' Duncan, Jennifer Dunn, Vernon Ehlers, Robert Ehrlich, Jo Ann Emerson, Philip English, Terry Everett, Thomas Ewing, Ernest Fletcher, Mark Foley, Vito Fossella, Tillie Fowler, Bob Franks, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Elton Gallegly, Greg Ganske, George Gekas, Jim Gibbons, Wayne Gilchrest, Paul Gillmor, Benjamin Gilman, Bob Goodlatte, William Goodling, Porter Goss, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Mark Green, James Greenwood, Gilbert Gutknecht, James Hansen, J. Dennis Hastert, Doc Hastings, Robin Hayes, J.D. Hayworth, Wally Herger, Rick Hill, Van Hilleary, David Hobson, Peter Hoekstra, Steve Horn, John Hostettler, Amo Houghton, Kenny Hulshof, Duncan Hunter, Asa Hutchinson, Henry Hyde, Johnny Isakson, Ernest Istook, William Jenkins, Nancy Johnson, Sam Johnson, Walter Jones, John Kasich, Sue Kelly, Peter King, Jack Kingston, Joe Knollenberg, Jim Kolbe, Steven Kuykendall, Ray LaHood, Steven LaTourette, Steve Largent, Tom Latham, Rick Lazio, James Leach, Jerry Lewis, Ron Lewis, John Linder, Frank LoBiondo, Frank Lucas, Donald Manzullo, Bill McCollum, Jim McCrery, John McHugh, David McIntosh, Buck McKeon, Jack Metcalf, Dan Miller, Gary Miller, Jerry Moran, Constance Morella, Sue Myrick, George Nethercutt, Anne Northup, Jim Nussle, Doug Ose, Michael Oxley, Ronald Packard, Ed Pease, John Peterson, Thomas Petri, Chip Pickering, Joe Pitts, Richard Pombo, John Porter, Rob Portman, Deborah Pryce, Jack Quinn, Jim Ramstad, Ralph Regula, Thomas Reynolds, Bob Riley, James Rogan, Hal Rogers, Dana Rohrabacher, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Margaret Roukema, Edward Royce, Paul Ryan, Jim Ryun, Matthew Salmon, Jim Saxton, Bob Schaffer, Jim Sensenbrenner, Pete Sessions, John Shadegg, Clay Shaw, Christopher Shays, Don Sherwood, John Shimkus, Michael Simpson, Joe Skeen, Nick Smith, Christopher Smith, Lamar Smith, Mark Souder, Floyd Spence, Cliff Stearns, Bob Stump, John Sununu, John Sweeney, Jim Talent, Tom Tancredo, Billy Tauzin, Lee Terry, Bill Thomas, Mac Thornberry, John Thune, Todd Tiahrt, Pat Toomey, Fred Upton, David Vitter, Greg Walden, James Walsh, Zachary Wamp, Wesley Watkins, J.C. Watts, Dave Weldon, Curt Weldon, Jerry Weller, Ed Whitfield, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, Frank Wolf, Don Young, Bill Young

Voted No.

Joe Barton, Tom Campbell, Joel Hefley, John Mica, Mark Sanford

Didn't Vote

Doug Bereuter, Jay Dickey, Scott McInnis, Robert Ney, Charles Norwood, Ron Paul, George Radanovich, Joe Scarborough, Bud Shuster,

Notables names On this list. Jusst about everybody voted for it..Democratic names like Richard Gephardt, Tom Lantos, Zoe Lofgren, Nancy Pelosi(For Shame),Ellen Tausher Jim Traifficant. Republicans like Dick Armey Bob Barr, Roy Blunt, Tom Delay, and lots more. if your Out of a Job, or Home...if your losing your retirement, thank these guys.

Noable names Who Voted No to this act, some surprising names like. William Clay, Gary Condit, John Conyers, John Dingell, Dennis Kucunich, Barbara Lee, Cynthia McKinnon, Maxine Waters, Harry Waxman. Republicans like Tom Campbell

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