Suddenly Iran is a nuclear threat. Since they announced that they wanted to develop nuclear energy to power there nation, right away there were accused wanting to develop nuclear weapons and there is all kinds of speculation about what will Iran do with nuclear weapons ,if it should develop them?
I've been hearing dire threats if Iran should develop nuclear weapons for the U.S and possibly her allies around the world like the nation of Israel. I think/hope these fears may be unfounded there are plenty of nations, independent of the United states,how could provide a threat, nations like the Soviet Union, India , Pakistan, Australia, China, Japan, England, France, Israel....and there are more.
Israel has nuclear weapons though it isn't saying how much ....
It is believed that Israel had possessed an operational nuclear weapons capability by 1967, with the mass production of nuclear warheads occurring immediately after the Six-Day War.[2] Although no official statistics exist, it has been estimated that Israel possesses from 75 to as many as 400 nuclear weapons, which are reported to include thermonuclear weapons in the megaton range.[3][4][5] Israel is also reported to possess a wide range of different systems, including neutron bombs, tactical nuclear weapons, and suitcase nukes.[6] Israel is believed to manufacture its nuclear weapons at the Negev Nuclear Research Center
Delivery mechanisms include Jericho intercontinental ballistic missiles, with a range of 11,500 km, and which are believed to provide a second-strike option. Israel's nuclear-capable ballistic missiles are believed to be buried so far underground that they would survive a nuclear attack.[7][8] Additionally, Israel is believed to have an offshore nuclear second-strike capability, using submarine launched nuclear-capable cruise missiles, which can be launched from the Israeli Navy's Dolphin-class submarines.[9] Although the Israeli Air Force lacks strategic bombers to deliver nuclear weapons over long range, its F-15I and F-16I Sufa fighter aircraft are capable of delivering nuclear weapons.
The Israeli government maintains a policy of deliberate ambiguity on whether it has nuclear weapons, saying only that it would "not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons in the Middle East."[10] Former International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei regarded Israel as a state possessing nuclear weapons.[11] Much of what is known about Israel's nuclear program comes from revelations in 1986 by Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at the Negev Nuclear Research Center who served an 18-year prison sentence as a result. Israel has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but supports establishment of a Middle East Zone free of weapons of mass destruction.[12] Wikipedia/Israel and weapons of mass destruction.
Iran is a sovereign country is it not? They have the right to determine their own destiny, right? Apparently not, in the eyes of the U.S. It is no secret that the U.S used it clandestine agencies to overthrow an democratically elected President of Iran, and install a autocratic leader,the "Shah of Iran", who was friendly to the politics of the West.Iran promised under Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's , the "Shah of Iran", not to make nuclear weapons. but The Shah of Iran, is sort of an Western invention..

"Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh was elected prime minister by a parliamentary vote which was then ratified by the Shah. As prime minister, Mosaddegh became enormously popular in Iran after he nationalized Iran's petroleum industry and oil reserves. In response, the British government, headed by Winston Churchill, embargoed Iranian oil and successfully enlisted the United States to join in a plot to depose the democratically elected government of Mosaddegh. In 1953 US President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized Operation Ajax. The operation was successful, and Mosaddegh was arrested on 19 August 1953. The coup was the first time the US had openly overthrown an elected, civilian government.[115] Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's rule became increasingly autocratic." Wikipedia
The Iranians,rebelled against and overthrew the Shah, into a government I guess that was more in tune with where Iranians are and what they do and where they want to go. So for practical purposes Iran is a sovereign Country, because the U.S can't determine political policy there, or can it?
In my opinion Even if Iran stated it wanted to develop nuclear weapons, perhaps it would be in their right to do so. In light of current events, With the U.S, military presence in Iraq, and military operations in Afghanistan's directed at the Afghanistan's. The U.S maybe flying aircraft over Iran, and introducing a American military presence in the seaways over there.America and the rest of the world seem to have a vested interest in Iran's oil.
Iran ,deciding maybe to arm itself, or at least, use a more efficient source of energy, turns to Nuclear energy, the US and its allies seem to want to prevent this. Nukes are the only dangerous things around ,there are also biological and Chemical agents, which are probably, even more dangerous,but no one seems to be talking about those.
Its seems like to more central issue is Iran's oil. Everyone want a bite of it at a time when Iran is using the Euro in its Oil deals, and the Euro is under alot of distress right now.Perhaps The leaders of the west like Barack Obama, and leaders of the East like Vladimir Putin and China's leaders are looking for a way to peaceable divide up Iran, and their oil. Like what Hitler and Stalin did to Poland at the beginning of WWII.
Its the type of bullying that Hitler did, at the outset of World War II. Just before Hitler set out to invade countries like Austria, Czechoslovakia,and Poland, Hitler would say to his people in Germany.. those dirty Czechs, they present a threat to the German people, we have to invade them to remove that threat. William Shirer " The rise and fall of the Third Reich" Hitler just wanted to invade those countries.
Its hard to imagine that Israel and the Jews,and the United States, sworn enemies of Hitler and the Third Reich, would use similar tactics to get solve an issues they cannot resolve. .... With the U.S even shipping Nuclear tipped , bunker busting missiles , for a first strike attempt on Iran Nuclear facilities that are underground in Iran. But this is where we are today, how is it that a Democratic land like the U.S, is leaning toward the tactics of fascism as used by leaders like Hitler,and Mussolini.
America's ally in the Middle East, Israel, is quite a nuclear/conventional power, and has a nuclear/conventional capability that makes it the dominant power in that region. No ones asking Israel to disarm, or reduce its nuclear stockpile, does Israel use Nuclear energy as well?
Israel made at least 2 successful "first strikes" on foreign governments in the Middle East. Once on Syria's attempt to use Nuclear energy, then one strike on Iran, earlier when they trying to build a nuclear power plant. These are acts of War.
Well why does all this bugs me? Because it sounds like a bunch of high class bullying, and if you ever been given a "Offer that you can't refuse",by some Mob types" then maybe you can better appreciate the situation. Its bullying of a different kind .....

What would the average American do, or if America herself do if faced in that type of situation if the average American Joe were running Iran?
The Average American here in the U.S would probably want to arm itself to the teeth if in Iran's position. The Average American is already "well armed", and if gun right advocates in the U.S had its way,we'd probably be arming ourselves with Nuclear weapons; A "Winnebago, six pack of Beer, and a Polaris missile." The New American M-X missile system. (Gallagher)
"At this time there were approximately 44 million gun owners in the United States. This means that 25 percent of all adults owned at least one firearm." Wikipedia
It is also said that, a failed capitalist system, turns to Fascism, then to Communism. William Shirer, The rise and fall of the Third Reich. Imagine what Germany stated to look like under the Third Reich, or under Mussolini?Probably is beginning to resemble what America is looking like today. I say it is fascism when "Might",or brute force begins to determine our foreign policy.
So far were not solely using "brute force" in the case of Iran, Our leaders will say they are using diplomatic means to accomplish those ends.Using The United nations to force sanctions on Iran,but is Iran so much in error for trying to use Nuclear power" or is the U.N just to be a diplomatic platform for U.S foreign policy.
Lastly, the People here in the U.S will suffer because of this "Police State" mentality. Seem like the first causality in a fascist state is "justice", and "Due Process", since we cannot afford that to other peoples, we certainly wont tolerate that in our own land. Then you start closing down the schools or Burning books , to keep your citizenry as ignorant as possible,then you start clamping down on political opposition and debate.
At least our present American President, Barack Obama while being shown on American Media as quoting "Iran must not have a nuclear bomb", also was quoted assaying when prompted by Republican candidates, about whether we should invade Iran, or back Israel to do so, he said, he'd prefer looking for peaceful solutions.
Should we be so concerned about Iran's quest for Nuclear energy or possibly to build a nuclear weapons that we should endanger or forsake our own domestic infrastructure?

Would you trust this guy,the president of Iran. In spite of that he did three interview on a Popular American PBS show, "The Charlie Rose show", He also appeared for a lecture at Columbia University in America, during the George W.Bush Administration in America.
The some people think we should be concerned about it because of terrorist groups associated with Iran. It could present a danger to peace in the area, or for the world.
I am concerned about what I hear on American newstalk; missing facts, one-sided opinions,lack of knowledgeable opinions,lack of political meaningful political debate ,dwindling of our democratic rights, the State of our country. I believe we have alot to be concerned about.
Coming next..."You can't afford health care in America!"
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