More points for Romney. Some people disagree with Obama's decision to back the Dream Act. that's the act that gives immunity to children of undocumented immigrants to go to school in the U.S, under some conditions......
I was against this act, I heard about it in California, when the newly elected 3x Governor of California ,"Jerry Brown", back it in Office. Jerry Brown is a respectable white dude, , but maybe they should have put Meg Whitman in, Brown might be getting senile in his old age. There are just too many ( people like myself, and others) that need/want to go to school here in America who are indigenous here, and can't go to school because they cant afford to or don't have the time. Not only do they have to compete with these undocumented people for jobs , but also for a spot in schools..While their actually closing down schools in California because they can't afford to keep them open.
..But it seems to me that opening the Dream act is really a friendly gesture toward the Latin American community , and that passing that "act" might help more than than it would hurt.

I also heard it mentioned that though Obama okay-ed the "Dream act"..... ; The Supreme Court is deciding the constitutionality of that on that law, in Arizona that allows Law Enforcement to check the credentials of people based on there nationality . Supreme court may side with the State of Arizona on that!
So though Obama's might gain some votes in the Latin Community..there are people in other communities who are going to be voting against Obama ,for Romney. I saw the newest Romney news bite saying ,That as President he'd work on Immigrant reform law".
3 points for Romney, 4 points for Obama.
Ultimately I wonder if the biggest losers in this elections are going to be U.S citizens here. If Romney gets in office, he's going to be in a similar situation as Obama, and not going to be able to do anything, because both of their big financial supporters, the Banks that are pulling there strings. Maybe its Wall Street that is really stalling Immigration reform, because there more money to be made keeping the status quo as it is, then fixing it

Though generally not known to the public....I recently read that Phil Gramm, Mr.Enron, partial architect of this Sub-prime mortgage scandal in the U.S, is one of the top economic Advisers for Mitt Romney . I think being associated with Gramm is probably the kiss of death to anyone running for a job like President of the United States, but apparently Perry or Mitt Romney doesn't think so .... -14 points from Mitt Rooney's campaign for his choice of economic advisers. Having Gramm as a economic advisor tells me that as far as "Mainstreet" economics goes Romney knows little .Something maybe the Obama campaign could exploit. Why couldn't Romney talk to a guy like a Paul Volcker, or Warren Buffet, entrepreneur extraordinaire, or a Bill Gates..the former C.E.O of Microsoft, for this kind of advise?
New; -6 points from the Obama Campaign. Obama's Secretary of Justice, Eric Holder , held in "Contempt of Court, in a partisan court proceeding about funneling Weapons to Mexico. Holder could beat the rap, but he is sort of the "Top Cop" in the Land, he conceivably could be doing some time..Any other Negro would get in trouble. 1.5 points for Romney consulting with leaders of African-American Church leaders.
The Supreme Court vindicates Barack Obama 's Affordable Health Care Plan, by upholding key ideas of it...basically it a kind of tax.. Though Few Politicians will get elected by promising to raise your taxes .. Most people seem to applaud the decision. 10 points for Obama's team. In spite of this though, this election could be close, and contentious. I do an astrology Blog, and though the U.S national "Astrologers" predict a win for Obama. Its possible that Romney walks into power..maybe I'll talk more about this in my Astrology Blog.
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