Well its election Day in the United States, we'll be voting for the next American President for the next 4 years., but hey, I already voted! I sent my ballot in by Mail,or at least I think I did.
I put what I thought was the appropriate postage to mail the Ballot,but at the last moment I decided to mail the ballot at the Post office. As I bought it up to the mail clerk, they charged me another .40 cents because it didn't have enough postage! I paid the postage, I guess you need a job to vote nowadays. Mr.Obama you can't say I didn't contribute to your campaign, Provided that the mail clerk added the proper postage and mailed the ballot, I voted for Barack Obama. Ugh! As I write this, people are voting, and the election result will be coming in tonight, by tomorrow we'll have an idea on who will be leading the country the next few years.
I know I was doing stuff on this blog, Like keeping score on the candidates, I didn't finish following the .....Game... I think the result of which is that both candidates would have come up with negative scores exceeding a positive score, so you couldn't recommend either of them, for example; Maybe Mr. Obama scores negatively as a result of the debates, let say a -25. In spite of Mr. Obama education, being a Harvard lawman, he acted like he couldn't debate, shouldn't a Harvard law professor know how to debate? ...maybe Obama was just tired.
On the other hand, Romney get points for his choice of V.P in my opinion, but he loses massive points for making statement about the 47% of people who are in his opinions...Deadbeats? ,the People who can't afford to contribute to his campaign, or go to $5,000 plate fund raisers. For that ,Romney -47 points, the ending result, both candidates are in the negative, so the verdict is "None of the above".
I felt kinda bad casting my ballot for Obama, after all, all he's done is sort of continue in the direction of his predecessor, George W. Bush. Obama so far as been "Bush-lite", continuing their interference into the Middle East (in my opinion),Thus doing little domestically here in America; Continuing the erosion of American civil rights,under patriot acts..doing little to shrink the size of government , and doing little to decrease the size of Banks and Investment firms, which are tied into American electorate.
I voted for Obama, because I disliked some of Romney's views, and where he seemed to be coming from, in terms of the Economy. Well, I am sort of the 47% that Romney discounts, so there probably not going vote for him. I disagree with his view on the economy, he would seem to want to reverse regulations on the Banking and investment side of the economy.
This is contra-indicated by all the economic advisers I've been listening to, and after all which advisers have Mitt Romney been listening to ....Phil Gramm?
Listen Mr Obama and Mr. Romney, we can put down or discount the Chinese but with the population of people they have there in China , they are doing alot better than the U.S, economically. Maybe socialism has its good points.Which bring me to my next points.
Obama came into the Presidency at what had to be a tumultuous 4 years starting with the collapse of the economy, Wars on many fronts, and ecologic disasters ( Deepwater horizon massive oil spill, Japanese Earthquake, Tsunami, Fukashima, the biggest Nuclear accident since Chernobyl) . I voted for Obama , because after all he a person of color, like me and maybe there something like me Obama can relate to, but thats not a good reason to vote for Obama though. I've learnt in the past that really you should vote your conscience, and I just voted for the devil we know, rather than the devil we don't know, whats so great about that?
Well I was sitting at home and had a chance to watch this new movie that came out everywhere supposedly about Barack Obama called ,"Obama's America". Though I already voted for him, it was a chance to learn more about him, after the fact?
This movie "Obama's America" comes across as a documentary about Barack Obama , about the man and his Presidency. Indeed they even try to go into the psychological roots of this guy. The result I think is a Partisan Smear job, on Barack Obama.
They take possibly true facts about Obama and his upbringing and make biased distortions on his possible presidency based on the mans up-bringing. They even attempt to go to some of his relatives in Africa, offering his Paternal Grandmother? a "Goat" for participating in their interview. After offering three goat for the interview, the interview is halted, and the film makers run out of town, after another call from another of his relatives. His relatives were right in my opinion not to continue the interview in my opinion after the fact.
This documentary was trying to say that Obama's Presidency would be friendly to Muslims and South American's, because Obama was friendly with Socialists and even Communist in his upbringing. That he Spends alot of money would Raise taxes alot, after he cuts Military spending because of his socialist ties. The documentary though seems to ignore the issues exposed by the economic mess that was the U.S.A when Obama came into office.Ignoring the facts that Obama inherited this Economic mess from past administrations, namely Republican ones. With trillion dollar deficits, is it wise continue spending money on your military while ignoring domestic issues?
The Documentary asserted that Obama would let the Iranians develop a Nuclear weapon. They seems to ignore the point that Iran is a sovereign nation, they essentially have the right to do what they want, And that America has interfered in Iran's political affairs in a serious way in the Past. What if the United States interfered in the Affairs of India, she she was gaining independence from Britain? Is India still a vassal state of Britain? Obviously not. The Intelligent host of that Documentary was from India, or has relatives there.
The filmmakers tried to suggest that Obama was unfair to American Oil Interests , by somehow allowing South American oil to drill outside there own coast. Hello..can you say Deepwater Horizon, the biggest oil spill off the American coast in U.S History. If we can buy oil from the South Americans and they want to drill off there coast , I say, Let em!
I turned off this pseudo-documentary half way through the show, feeling that if Obama was half the guy they were talking about , then I made a good choice in voting for him, and that he's probably the best person to lead the country for the next four years.
I felt better voting for him.
One bad note though, Obama must have lent this likeness, and indeed , his voice to the filmmakers of this movie as... Obama is reading some passages of his book throughout the documentary. Did he do this deliberately or unknowingly that this documentary was a smear campaign against him? Did he do it deliberately knowing that he is going to lose the election, perhaps because the "powers that be" want to remove him from office? And this was just F.Y.I ( for your information) to the American people?
If so there can be no more of a ominous portent by .."the power that be", that they can proclaim the winner of an election before the electorate has even had a chance to vote.Lets hope this is not true, because of that documentary I hope Obama wins!
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