My continuing adventures beginning from Residental Hotel Hell to a regular life.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The score so far ( musings on the Presidential elections in the U.S)

If you rated the candidates, Incumbent US President Barack Obama,against Candidate Mitt Romney based on American media info-spots  and radio. Who rates the most ..Points wise in my book for the election in  Nov 2012?
Here are the stats so far

Recently Obama came out  on National television to endorse. gay marriage in  America. WOW,! I'm not an ardent supporter of Gay marriage. I believe I have seen the seedier side of homosexuality in America. And the previous case against actor John Travolta and his cruising is kinda of a case in point,about the seedier side of homosexuality,though others might say John Travolta is a good case for Gay marriage, the lest you could accuse John Travolta of is being dishonest, he's married to a female, with children yet obviously gay. Other might call Travolta 's shenanigans "Sexual harassment", I would call it that if is actions are unwelcomed, and for better or worse,  this kind of behavior goes on every day in America.

Since Obama approves gay marriage seems to me he's kind of sanctioning this behavior. He made his statement Just at the time The American media came out with that story about John Travolta, though not much has been said about the Travolta story. It show that Obama's announcement might not have been timed well.

Plus consider that Gay marriage in the states , like in California, was voted down ,twice by the voters. The only way that came a reality in California was that the "Courts" declared that Gay marriages had a right to be recognized as legal by the state.this was declared in a "closed" courtroom ( closed to the public) , and by a Judge who is an admitted gay.

Obama;-3 points

Candidate Mitt Romney came back in the news with a good sound byte.  Romney while at a Christian College,said that he thinks Traditional marriage in America is between a Man and a Woman!.

I 'd like to agree, Its too bad America doesn't endorse traditional values any more, maybe that's what we need more of these days. Do ya miss people like Pat Robertson, or Jerry Falwell?

Mitt Romney +2 points

Possibly realizing his blunder, using his incumbency, Obama goes back on the attack.  He appears on this female talk show called  "The View". This was in the wake of the recent 2 billion financial fiasco at J. P Morgan. There are lots of news bytes with Obama talking about Reform and banking regulation. Even his Treasury secretary makes some comment about that. 

Obama +2 points.

Mitt Romney would be hard to comment about these matters it seems. Being that at one point in his can even find it on this one point in his campaign Romney received most of his campaign contributions from the Banking and investment banks.

But tell me Mr Obama is it true that your next selection for Treasury Secretary if Mr. Geitner leaves  is the CEO of J.P Morgan, that Jaime Dimon fellow?

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