My continuing adventures beginning from Residental Hotel Hell to a regular life.

Friday, February 03, 2012

We interrupt this program........

Just wanted to express some thoughts about the passing OF R&B Music T.V host and owner ,Don Cornelius. Cornelius host and owned a show on American T.V called "Soul Train", and it featured Popular American Rhythm and blues artist, and dancers.

Cornelius was like the African American, "Dick Clark", as Dick Clark ran the popular "American BandStand". In my town, they often came on at the same time, being African-American myself, I often choose "Soul Train", though I was pretty envious of those Dancers on "Soul Train" there were other shows like "Soul train"on the air, but Cornelius's show really caught on..

Soul train was a musical showcase of all the popular R&B artist in the 70's, 80's even into the 90's. Has that show ran for 36 seasons.

Don Cornelius seemed a pretty cool dude, running a Moneycow, too bad at the eve of Black American History month, Cornelius chose to take his own like that at 75 years of age. It Ain't easy being old, but I have my doubts that Cornelius would actually shoot himself.

The Soul Train show was syndicated, is available on DVD and is likely to become a hot property, of Black American History. I love the older theme song of that show. It was called "TSOP", by the "Sound of Philadelphia."

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